Simplify your event organization


Manage your event with inwink, the most configurable tool on the market for :

Creating an effective digital platform

  • Create an event website that fits your colors and needs
  • Highlight speakers and program
  • Engage registrants before, during and after with targeted emails

Manage registrations and meetings

  • Set up a registration form or a ticketing service
  • Set up a validation lock to accept only certain participants
  • Automatically generate participant badges
  • Promote meetings between participants thanks to a recommendation system

Showcase your partners and exhibitors

  • Empower partners with a dedicated space
  • Encourage contact by providing an app to scan badges
  • Generate qualified leads for your partners

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Why do event organizers use inwink?

01. Templatization

Quickly publish a website from several event and community templates and customize it with your colors: 100% white label!

02. Your data

Your event data is, by default, partitioned and not mixed with other events’ data.

03. Centralization

Group all of your events and communities on a secure platform and get a 360° view of your contacts (participants – members).

How do event organizers use inwink?

Creating an effective digital platform

Whether you organize one or several events a year, the event experience begins with a complete website, adapted to all formats (online, face-to-face or hybrid).

Create an event website that fits your colors and needs

  • Quickly create web pages from templates, pre-designed blocks, and action buttons (bookmark, contact, make an appointment…)
  •  Accelerate page creation with the instantaneous updating of our integrated CMS
  • Quickly add your logo, your brand identity, and your images
  • Use a personalized domain name
  • Translate the site into several languages
  • Integrate external service modules in iFrame
  • Provide a mobile experience without any additional development
  • Customize the site by adding your own scripts (JavaScript) and styles (CSS)
  • Display the agenda based on content (by topic, by day, by partner, by speaker, by keyword…) with a customizable search engine
  • Create a catalogue of exhibitors as well as their products and services with a powerful search engine
  • Put the spotlight on certain content (partners, sessions, speakers…) with customizable results pages

Highlight speakers and program

  • Manage all information to create complete sessions (title, description, room, time slot, image, video, speakers, partners, capacity …)
  • Organize your programme using different criteria (keywords, course, day, partner…)
  • Manage different speak
  • Assign quotas and access rights by participant type, by session
  • Track registrations per session in real time to adapt meeting spaces as needed

Engage registrants before, during and after with targeted emails

  • Design emails quickly and easily with the integrated emailing editor
  • Choose from a library of over 50 email templates (confirmation, programme reminder…)
  • Schedule emails to be sent in advance
  • Automate the sending of emails based on triggers (session registration, badge printing…)
  • Change the sender domain name of transactional and marketing emails to ensure deliverability
  • Analyse the performance of your emails with the customizable summary table (open rate, click rate, deliverability…)

Manage registrations and meetings

From the collection of registrations, through the provision of a dedicated online space for each registrant, to the generation of badges, centralize all actions linked to participant management within a single tool.

Set up a registration form or a ticketing service

  • Create 100% customized registration forms, with as many steps and custom fields as you wish
  • Create a ticketing system with several steps, promotional codes and other specifications with the dedicated module
  • Integrate an externally available payment solution (Stripe, Paypal, SixtPayment, Adyen or Ingenico)

Set up a validation lock to accept only certain participants

  • Categorize participants to manage rights and access (registrants, exhibitors, visitors, speakers, press, VIPs, etc.).
  • Optimize the registration process based on your own management rules (open registration, private, with validation lock …)
  • Track registrations and progress in a dedicated dashboard

Automatically generate participant badges

  • Automatically generate badges for your events using the different templates available (A4, business card size, digital, with a QR Code…)
  • Distribute badges to participants by email, online in their Participant Area…
  • Allow other participants and partners to scan badges

Promote meetings between participants thanks to a recommendation system

  • Suggest participants to contact, based on participant data
  • Define matching criteria and easily configure your own matchmaking algorithm
  • Define rules to limit networking by participant type
  • Offer online discussion forums (digital speed meetings, online appointments, networking tables, etc.)
  • Enable instant messaging between participants, with push notifications

Showcase your partners and exhibitors

Partners and exhibitors bring added value and credibility to your trade show by displaying their products and services, sharing their expertise and offering networking opportunities.

Empower partners with a dedicated space

  • Manage all partner information (name, brand identity, description, custom fields, display certain documents and media)
  • Create packages and levels of partner visibility
  • Track partner performance (number of participants per session, number of appointments accepted…)
  • Determine which participant information should be pulled together for lead generation reports
  • With the ScanExpo feature, enable participants to scan a QR code on the Partners booth and retrieve their business offer/presentation. The participant can choose to share their contact details to be contacted by the Partner

Encourage contact by providing an app to scan badges

  • Provide partners with an app (iOS and Android) to scan badges of people they speak with at the event or as they enter a session (conference or workshop)
  • Allow the download of contact information from the Partner Area
  • Determine which members of the partner’s team are authorized to use this feature
  • Create a specific post-scan form to record information which will provide context for getting in touch with the participant post-event

Generate qualified leads for your partners

  • Allow participants to screen and book appointments with partners
  • Allow partners to screen and book appointments with participants
  • Define rules that allow partners to see participants’ information
  • Create forms that can be used to identify and qualify projects
  • Manage unavailability and scheduling conflicts
  • Assign a certain number of appointments according to the level of partnership, by individual or by entity
  • Create post appointment evaluation forms (comments, rating, action plan…)

inwink, a true all-in-one platform
for event organizers