Legal notes

This page last updated on July 26th, 2023

The editor of the website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) is inwink, a simplified joint stock company with a capital of 111 100 € registered with the Paris Commercial Register (“Registre du commerce et des sociétés de Paris”) under the number 521 915 637, having its registered offices at33, rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine, 75011, Paris.

Phone number : 09 66 81 88 17

Email : ou

VAT: FR83521915637

The responsible editor is M. Florent SANTIN, acting as President of the organization.

The provider of hosting services are: Microsoft Ireland Operation through its cloud service Azure having its registered office at Carmanhall Road – Sandyford Business Estate – Dublin 18 – Ireland.

Phone number : +353 1 295 3826

The inwink platform is hosted in European data centres in Dublin (Ireland) and Amsterdam (Netherlands).

Intellectual Property

All elements of this Website and its marketing variations belong to the company inwink, and as such are protected by the applicable legislation relating to intellectual property and database rights.

Privacy Policy for websites

This page describes the conditions according to which inwink processes data collected from individuals (customers, prospects, etc.) in the context of their browsing on the website (and its marketing versions) or their communications with inwink employees.

This does not apply to data handled by customers using the inwink Solution; please refer to the paragraph below entitled “General Terms and Conditions for Use of the inwink Solution”.

If you have any questions about this policy, you can send us your request to

1. Preamble and scope

inwink is committed to protecting your privacy. This privacy policy covers inwink’s practices in terms of data collection, processing and use. It also details your options for consulting, using and modifying your personal data. If you disagree with these practices, you must abstain from using our website.

This privacy policy is updated regularly. inwink will publish any change in the privacy policy on this page, and send you a more personal notification by e-mail when the changes are significant.

In any event, inwink encourages you to check this privacy policy on a regular basis.

If you have questions about this privacy policy or the processing of the information you provide, please send an e-mail to or a letter to inwink, 33, rue du Faubourg Saint Antoine 75011 addressed to the Privacy Department.

2. Categories of Data you share with inwink

On a general basis, you can access the Website without having to provide any personal data. inwink does not process data that allows it to identify you as a person, directly or indirectly, unless you have willingly provided this information by filling in the various forms that are provided to you or made available on the Website.

On the Website, elements of personal data that inwink may request are your first and last names, telephone number, email address, current position, name of the company or companies you belong to, country, (hereinafter referred to as “Data”).

All Data that must be provided in order to access a particular service are indicated by an asterisk. Communicating your Data is voluntary, but if you choose not to communicate the information indicated by an asterisk, you will be unable to benefit from the services in question, including information, communication, or recruiting requests.

Data shall be processed using computer technology and stored in databases located exclusively within the European Union.

By communicating your Data, you authorize inwink to process these Data for the purposes and duration described in this document. You may, at any time, withdraw your consent for the processing of your Data, in which case inwink will cease the related processing activities.

When you communicate your Data, you provide us with a guarantee that you have received the authorizations and consent required from the individuals concerned by these Data if the Data concerns people other than yourself and, if applicable, for the purposes described in this document.

3. Recipient of your Data

inwink may send your Data to its partner, the company HUBSPOT, used for CRM solution purposes.

Besides the recipient listed in this article, your Data are not communicated nor transferred to any other third party.

All the recipients of your Data are required to respect data confidentiality and to process your data for the purposes listed in the article 5, under the direct control of inwink.

However, inwink may be obliged, under the Act and/or the GDPR, or under any other applicable legal provision, to communicate your Data following a court ruling, order, decree, or any other applicable legal provision and/or regulation.


4. Purpose for processing your Data

By communicating your Data, inwink processes your Data for one or several of the following purposes:

  • Communication – Requesting a demo:

We will respond to demo requests you may address us. In sending us a form and agreeing to receive our communications, you allow inwink to contact you by telephone and/or by email.

For this purpose, we shall process your Data for the duration of our exchanges and for a maximum of twenty-four (24) months from the last time you contacted us (by email, phone call, ect.). After this date, your Data shall be erased, unless you ask us to keep it.

  • Information – Newsletter subscription

We may, on the basis of the information contained in the forms you send us, send you information and specific content on inwink offers and on inwink events.

For this purpose, we shall process your Data for the duration of our exchanges and for a maximum of twenty-four (24) months from the last time you contacted us (by email, phone call, ect.). After this date, your Data shall be erased, unless you ask us to keep it.

  • Recruitment

If you share your online CV or any other form of application with us, we will use your Data for recruiting purposes. We may contact you by email, telephone, or postal address. Additional information on the manner in which your Data are used by inwink during the recruiting process will be shared with you as the process moves on.

For this purpose, we shall process your Data for the duration of our exchanges and for a maximum of twenty-four (24) months from the last time you contacted us (by email, phone call, ect.). After this date, you shall be contacted and asked if you want to update your Data. Without an answer within one (1) month, your Data shall be erased from our databases.


5. Legal basis for processing

Your Consent: We process your Data only if you have given consent to this processing for the purposes listed hereabove. AT ANY TIME, YOU MAY WITHDRAW YOUR CONSENT FOR PROCESSING YOUR DATA. In this case, processing will cease and the Data in question will be erased without undue delay. Withdrawal of your

consent does not compromise the lawfulness of the processing, based on consent, carried out prior to consent withdrawal.


6. Your rights

As part of the processing of your Data and in accordance with the Act and the GDPR, you have the following rights:

  • Right to access (Article 15 of the GDPR);
  • Right to rectification (Article 16 of the GDPR);
  • Right to erasure (Article 17 of the GDPR);
  • Right to restriction of processing (Article 18 of the GDPR);
  • Right to data portability (Article 20 of the GDPR);
  • Right to object (Article 21 of the GDPR).

The rights listed above are personal and may only be exercised by people who have communicated their Data to inwink.

To exercise your rights or to submit any other request about the processing of your Data, you can contact inwink by contacting our Data Protection Officer, as stated in article 2.

When you contact inwink directly, through whichever means, inwink reserves the right to keep a record of this correspondence for a period necessary for processing the request.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority. In France, the data supervisory authority is the CNIL (3 Place de Fontenoy, TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07).

Cookies Policy for websites

The cookies used on our website enable us to identify the pages a user visits, the resources he or she downloads and more generally their on-site visiting behavior.

What is the purpose of our cookies ?

The cookies used on our website enable us to identify the pages a user visits, the resources he or she downloads and more generally their on-site visiting behavior.

1° Optimizing the user experience on our site
– by offering personalized content and highlighting resources on,
– by adapting’s interface to the device you are using (language, resolution, OS, etc),
–  by memorizing information contained in forms you filled out on our site or via partner technologies* (sign-in to a real-life or online event, sign-in to a community portal, download of a resource, demo request).*HubSpot.

2° Improving our website
Cookies help collect statistical data regarding site frequentation and content consumption and enable us to offer an experience adapted to your needs and interests.

3° Measuring our audiences
We are using Google Analytics to measure our inwink’s site’s audiences.

Third-party cookies

Third-party cookies are deposited by other companies such as partners while you are surfing on our site or sharing personal data on our site using external services.

We are particularly vigilant as to the observance by partner websites of national data protection regulations and GDPR compliance. We request that they take all appropriate measures regarding security and confidentiality of personal data.

Please find below the purpose of the cookies we are aware of and the means at your disposal to change cookie setup.

Third-party apps integrated into our website

We are using third-party apps on our web site in order to:

  • share our site’s content with others (social sharing buttons): The corresponding social networks may be able to identify you via this button, even if you don’t use it while browsing our site or app. If you opened a session on one of the networks on the device you use to visit our website before arriving on our site, the network is able to track your navigation on our site. We have no control over the collection of data by the social network regarding your navigation on our site and do not have access to personal data in their possession. However, you can access the confidentiality policy of the social network to learn more about the subject and regulate the information you agree or refuse to share.
  • collect your personal data (name, first name, email): We have no control over the quality of data management by Hubspot, Google.

Web tags and other technologies

We use web tags to track your navigation on our site and in our emails (via our marketing automation solution). Web tags are code lines that recognize given types of information on your computer, such as cookies, time and date of a page visit, or description of the page where the tag is located.

We use this type of tags to improve the navigation experience on our site and to understand if a user reads and clicks our emails, with the aim of offering inwink users content consistent with their expectations.

Mobile devices

Certain mobile devices send information regarding the model of the phone the OS version, the connectivity, the name and version of used apps or the geographical location at the time of the connection.
This data is automatically processed by inwink and some of inwink’s partners’ servers (HubSpot, Google Analytics). This enables us to offer relevant experiences, in line with the technical characteristics of your device.

Accept or refuse cookies

You can choose not to receive cookies from our website at any time.
You can decide to block cookies we may deposit in your browser, either case by case or by refusing them systematically once and for all.

Note that if you refuse our cookies, we cannot guarantee an optimized browsing experience.

For an efficient cookie management meeting your requirements please use your browser’s setup options, taking into account the cookies’ purpose (as mentioned above).

You can also delete cookies already stored in your browser. For instance, to delete cookies deposited by inwink:
•    Google Chrome
Open the browser’s “Settings” tab. Click on “Advanced” followed by “Privacy and security”, “Content settings” , then “cookies” and “See all cookies and site data”. Search “inwink”, tick the boxes and delete.
•    Firefox
Open the browser’s “Options” tab and select “Privacy and Security”. In the “History” section, click on “remove individual cookies”. Search files containing the name “inwink”, select and delete them.
•    Microsoft Edge
Click on the “Other action”, then on “Settings” ». Click on ” Choose data to delete”. Check the box “Cookies data from registered websites”, search files containing “inwink”, select and delete them.
•    Safari
Open, the browser’s “Preferences” tab and open the tab “Confidentiality”. Click on “Manage website data” , search files containing “inwink” select and delete them. Click on “Done”.

General Terms and Conditions

inwink is a company specializing in developing software applications for enterprises, which develops turnkey applications and provides consulting and expertise services to its clients in relation to their digital strategy.

inwink developed the inwink product, an all-in-one solution, described in more detail hereinafter (the “Solution”) which is used to organise and manage contents (« Content(s) ») like an event or a community. As the Client wished to benefit from the Solution developed by inwink, Parties entered into discussions for the purpose of entering into this agreement (hereinafter the “Agreement”) composed of these general terms and conditions pursuant to which inwink undertakes to grant the rights over the Solution and provide the associated services described hereinafter to the Client (hereinafter the “General Terms and Conditions”) and the business proposal agreed by the Client (hereinafter the “Business Proposal”).

  1. Contractual Documents

The contractual relationship between the Parties is governed by the following documents listed in decreasing order of precedence: − The Business Proposal; − The General Terms and Conditions, including Appendices 1 and 2 and any amendments thereto. In the event of discrepancy between one or more provisions laid down in any of the foregoing documents, the higher ranked document shall prevail. The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes any other prior written or verbal agreement between the Parties.

  1. inwink Offers

The services may be provided by inwink in the scope of either of the following offers, ordered by the Client:

  • Content-based Subscription (event or community)
  • Unlimited Subscription (the “Offers”).

By ordering an Offer, the Client accepts the terms and conditions of the relevant Offer, which are described in more detail in the Business Proposal. The Parties agree to draw up and conclude the Business Proposal for each Offer or each Service ordered by the Client before inwink starts to perform the services.

  1. Term

3.1 Term of the General Terms and Conditions

The General Terms and Conditions shall come into force on the occurrence of the first of the following dates: (i) the effective use of the Solution and/or the Services by the Client; or (ii) the signing date hereof, for a period running until the expiry date and/or the termination of the last Business Proposal in force.

3.2 Term of the Business Proposals

If the Client signs up for an Content-based Subscription, the Business Proposal shall come into force on the date of its signature by the last of the Parties for the duration indicated therein. If, on the expiry date, the services covered by the Business Proposal have not been completed, Parties may agree to pursue performance of the Agreement for a term and subject to financial terms and conditions agreed in writing by mutual consent. If the Client signs up for an Unlimited Subscription, the Business Proposal shall come into force on the date of its signature by the last of the Parties for a fixed term of one (1) year, unless expressly stated otherwise in this Business Proposal.

  1. Description of the Solution

The Solution is comprised of a SaaS platform made available to the Client (the “Platform”) and web and mobile applications made available to the Client’s Users (the “Applications”). The Client’s “Users” shall mean the Client’s participants, members, exhibitors, contributors and service providers involved in the Content.

  1. Description of the Services

The services assigned to inwink by the Client are identified and described in this Article and the applicable Business Proposal (hereinafter the “Services”).

5.1 Availability of the Solution

inwink shall grant the Client the right to access the Platform via SaaS mode in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down in this Agreement, in particular in Article 8.3 of the General Terms and Conditions. inwink shall also make available the Applications to the Client and its Users throughout the entire term stipulated in the Business Proposal, in accordance with the more detailed terms and conditions laid down in Article 8.4 of the General Terms and Conditions. It is agreed that inwink reserves the right to modify the Solution, at its sole discretion, in order to improve the Services. inwink also reserves the right to carry out any update it deems necessary. Throughout the term of the applicable Business Proposal, inwink shall not remove any essential functionality of the Solution, except if an urgent removal is deemed necessary for security reasons or in order to comply with applicable laws.

5.2 Associated Services

5.2.1 Configuration

In the scope of this Agreement, inwink may provide configuration services for the Solution.

5.2.2 Maintenance and Support

inwink shall carry out the maintenance of the Solution and provide the support services in accordance with the more detailed terms and conditions laid down in Appendix 1 of the General Terms and Conditions “Service Levels”.

5.3 Additional Services

“Additional Services” shall mean any service which does not fall in the scope of the Associated Services and which may be provided by inwink at the Client’s request, including in particular Solution’s setup, consulting, training or development services. If the Client wishes to benefit from Additional Services, Parties agree to enter into a separate services agreement from this Agreement.

  1. Obligations of the Parties

6.1 Obligations of inwink

inwink undertakes to perform the Services in accordance with industry standards and the terms and conditions laid down herein in compliance with the service levels defined in Appendix 1 of these General Terms and Conditions (the “Service Levels”).

6.2 Obligations of the Client

6.2.1 General Obligations

Client undertakes to loyally and actively collaborate with inwink, including in particular by disclosing to it and/or enabling it to access information, documents and any other element required for the performance of the Services. The provision of the Services by inwink depends on the Client’s cooperation, in due time and as fully as possible and on the accuracy and exhaustiveness of all information provided by the Client. Moreover, Client undertakes to pay the price of the Services to the Service Provider in accordance with the terms, conditions and deadlines laid down in this Agreement. The devices, hardware, software, information materials which the Client uses and/or provides in the scope of performance of the Services must comply with all prerequisites notified by inwink. In any event, Client undertakes to comply with the specifications notified to it by inwink throughout the term of the Agreement.

6.2.2 Obligations relating to the use of the Solution

Client undertakes to comply with and ensure that the authorised Users comply with all terms and conditions of use of the Platform. Similarly, Client undertakes to control the authorised Users’ access to the Platform and ensure that they use said Platform in accordance with this Agreement. The Client and its authorised Users shall refrain from using, downloading, copying, altering, modifying, adapting, deleting, distributing, transmitting, disclosing, selling, leasing, licensing or exploiting the Platform, in full or in part, by any means and in any form whatsoever, for any purposes other than those strictly laid down by this Agreement. Client and its authorised Users acknowledge that they are not authorised to (i) recreate the Platform logic, decompile or disassemble said Platform or bypass the technical obstacles contained therein, except if these operations are authorised by applicable regulations notwithstanding these limitations; (ii) deactivate, divert or attempt in any way to bypass any mechanism aimed at evaluating use of the Platform, for invoicing purposes; (iii) lease, loan, resell, transfer or sub-license all or part of the Platform to or for third parties. Client and its authorised Users shall refrain from using the Platform:

– in any manner prohibited by laws, regulations, decisions or decrees issued by the authorities;

– in breach of third party rights;

– to attempt to access in an unauthorised manner or disrupt services, data, accounts or networks by any means whatsoever;

– to falsify a protocol or the source of communication (in particular, by impersonating a third party (spoofing));

– to send spam messages or distribute malicious software;

With regard to the Applications, each User of an Application, including the Client, must accept the terms and conditions of use applicable to said Application in order to access and use said Application. Such use must comply at all times with said terms and conditions and the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

6.2.3 Obligations relating to the Client Content

Client undertakes that the Client Content does not contain any offensive remarks regarding in particular inwink, Users and more generally any third parties. Any comment posted online by the Client or participants must comply with rules of common sense and politeness and must be moderate and proportionate. Client warrants to the Service Provider that the Client Content posted online complies with applicable statutory and regulatory provisions and does not constitute:

  • an infringement of third party intellectual property rights;
  • an offence against persons (in particular, slander, defamation, insults, etc.), a violation of property’s and/or persons’ image rights and privacy’s rights;
  • a breach of public order and/or public decency. inwink reserves the right to block and/or delete the Client Content in the event of noncompliance with the provisions of this clause and, more generally, this Agreement.
  1. Price and Payment Terms

The price of the Services and the invoicing schedule are laid down in the applicable Business Proposal. Unless otherwise provided in the Business Proposal, invoices are payable within 30 (thirty) days as from the invoice date. It is agreed that the prices do not include tax. Any late payment shall give rise, as of rights and without prior formal notice, to the application of interests for late payment (with effect from the payment date), equal to three (3) times the statutory interest rate, starting from the first day of delay. A fixed fee for recovery costs amounting to €40 (forty euros) shall be due by Client as of rights in the event of recovery, notwithstanding the right of inwink to claim for the real recovery’s costs incurred by it and justified on invoices. In addition, in the event where an invoice is not paid by Client within 60 (sixty) days of the said invoice’s date, inwink shall be entitled to suspend the performance of the Services (including in particular the access to the Platform) until full payment of said invoice, without such suspension being construed as termination of the applicable Business Proposal by inwink.

  1. Intellectual Property

8.1 inwink’s Property

Client acknowledges that inwink remains the exclusive owner of the Solution and all components relating thereto including, but not limited to, all text, graphics, images, logos, names, trade names, techniques, processes, know-how, sounds, photographs, videos, drawings, data, software or any other element of the Platform and/or the Applications (hereinafter the “inwink Content”), and all associated rights, including the intellectual property rights. This Agreement shall not constitute in any way a sale or assignment of all or part of the Solution.

8.2 Client’s Property

Client remains the owner of all data, information, documents that it downloads on the Platform and/or the Applications in the framework of this Agreement (hereinafter the “Client Content”). inwink shall not be entitled to claim any right over the Client Content.

8.3 Rights to Access and Use the Platform

inwink grants all rights to the Client to access and use the Platform for the entire term of the applicable Business Proposal. Unless otherwise provided in the Business Proposal, the right granted accordingly also includes a right to access and use the Platform by any of the Client’s third party service providers or subcontractors and/or the Client’s Affiliates (as such term is defined in Article L233-3 of the Commercial Code) carrying out work for the Client’s needs.

8.4 User Licence on the Applications

Subject to acceptance and compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, inwink shall grant the Client and its Users, for the term stipulated in the applicable Business Proposal, a worldwide, personal, non-exclusive and nonassignable right to (i) download, install, access and use the Applications; (ii) access and use the inwink Content for the sole purposes laid down in this Agreement. Use or reproduction of all or part of the inwink Content is authorised exclusively for information purposes and for personal use only. Any reproduction or representation for any other purposes shall only be authorised subject to inwink’s prior express consent.

The terms and conditions of the licence granted under this Agreement are subject to strict interpretation. inwink reserves all rights which are not expressly granted to the Client in relation to the Agreement.

8.5 Infringement

inwink undertakes to indemnify and hold the Client harmless from and against any legal action or claims alleging that the Solution infringes third party intellectual property rights, subject to compliance with the following terms and conditions: (i) Client has used the Solution in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; (ii) Client promptly informs inwink regarding any claim or legal action brought pursuant to Article 8.5; (iii) inwink shall have sole control of the defence of the case; and (iv) Client provides inwink with reasonable assistance in the scope of the defence of the case. inwink shall indemnify the Client for the amount of any final judicial decision or settlement. In addition, if inwink considers that a claim or legal action, as described in this clause, may prevent the Client from using the Solution, it shall use its best endeavours to (i) obtain the rights required to enable the Client to continue to use said Solution or (ii) amend or replace said Solution by an equivalent Solution in terms of functionalities. If inwink considers that such options are not feasible, it may terminate the Agreement in whole or in part and, where applicable, refund to the Client any amount paid in advance for the use of the Solution and corresponding to the nonused part of the Services and/or the Platform.

Client (including its users) acknowledges that it is liable for the Client Content that it downloads on the Solution and warrants that it holds all rights and authorizations required to use and/or post the Client Content and that it has paid any and all necessary rights and payments. Client undertakes to indemnify and hold inwink harmless from and against any legal action, any procedure or claims from a third party or a competent authority alleging that the Client Content infringes third party intellectual property rights, property’s and/or persons’ image rights, privacy’s rights, public order and/or public decency and/or protection of personal data, provided that inwink promptly informs the Client regarding any claim or legal action brought pursuant to Article 8.5. Client shall indemnify inwink for the amount of any final judicial decision, settlement, administrative sanction or transaction approved by inwink.

  1. Warranty – Liability

inwink does not warrant that the Solution is error-free. Indeed, inwink may be required to suspend access to all or part of the Solution from time to time, in particular for technical maintenance reasons, without inwink incurring any liability in this respect. It is also understood that the Internet and IT systems are not error-free and that interruption and failures may occur. inwink does not provide any warranty in this respect and shall consequently not accept liability for any damage inherent to such use of the Internet and IT systems. Insofar as the Client proves that it has suffered a damage arising from inwink’s breach of its obligations, the Service Provider’s maximum liability shall in any event be limited to direct damages suffered by the Client and shall not exceed the amount of the invoices issued and collected by inwink in the preceding 12 (twelve) months period prior to the occurrence of the damage under the relevant Business Proposal. inwink shall not be held liable under any circumstances in the event of (i) fault, negligence, omission or failure by the Client or a third party over which inwink exercises no control or supervision, (ii) force majeure, as defined in Article 10 of these General Terms and Conditions. inwink shall under no circumstances be liable for any indirect damage within the meaning of case law handed down by the French courts.

  1. Force Majeure

In the event of occurrence of a force majeure event, as defined in the Civil Code, resulting in a temporary impediment on performance by one of the Parties, Parties’ respective obligations shall be suspended, and no Party shall incur any resulting liability. If the force majeure event continues for more than 30 (thirty) consecutive days, and/or, as soon as the force majeure event occurs it results in a permanent impediment on performance by one of the Parties, each Party shall be entitled to terminate the Agreement as of rights, by sending notice in writing to the other Party by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. Such termination shall consequently come into force with effect from receipt of the registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, without either of the Parties incurring any resulting liability.

  1. Termination

In the event of breach by one of the Parties of any of its obligations pursuant to the Agreement ( Articles 1 to 23 of the General Terms and Conditions, Articles of the Business Proposal including any appendices and amendments thereto), the non-defaulting Party may terminate the Agreement, in full or in part, as of rights, if the defaulting Party fails to remedy said breach within 30 (thirty) days following notice served to it by the non-defaulting Party sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt (the date of the first attempted delivery shall prevail). The termination shall come into force on the expiry date of the aforementioned deadline, without any additional formalities being required.

In the event of termination of the Agreement, Client undertakes to pay to the Service Provider the amount of the Services performed up until the effective date of termination.

  1. Non solicitation clause

Client undertakes to refrain from hiring away, recruiting or arranging for work to be performed by any member of inwink’s staff who was involved in performing the Services covered hereby, throughout the entire term of this Agreement and up until expiry of a period of 12 (twelve) months with effect from the end of the contractual relationship. Failing which, the Client shall owe inwink compensation equal to 12 (twelve) months’ gross salary of the employee in question.

  1. Confidentiality – References

inwink and the Client respectively undertake to maintain the strict confidentiality of all information and documents obtained or exchanged in the scope of the Agreement and performance thereof (the “Confidential Information”). Confidential Information may only be used by each Party in the scope of performance of this Agreement and may not be disclosed to third parties, except in the following cases:

– if the disclosure is required in view of statutory, accounting, judicial or regulatory obligations, which are beyond the Parties’ control, and in this case the Party making the disclosure shall notify the other Party sufficiently in advance;

– if the Party making the disclosure can prove that the disclosed Confidential Information was known thereby on the signing date of the Agreement;

– if the Confidential Information is in the public domain on the date of disclosure thereof;

– if the Party making the disclosure can prove that the Confidential Information was disclosed thereto by a third party without breaching any confidentiality obligation.

Each Party undertakes to indemnify the other Party for all and any damage suffered by said other Party arising from any breach or non-compliance thereby or by its staff/subcontractors (where applicable), with the provisions of this clause. The confidentiality obligations shall survive independently of the Agreement for a period of five (5) years with effect from expiry or termination of this Agreement for any reason whatsoever. inwink may use the Client’s name as a business reference subject to no restrictions.

  1. Data Protection, Localisation and Processing

Under this clause, the terms “Personal Data”, “Processing”, “Data Controller”, “Data Processor”, “Data Subject”, “Personal Data Breach”, “Supervisory Authority” shall have the meaning given to such terms in article 4 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 dated 27 April 2016 (hereinafter “GDPR”).

14.1 Data Processing implemented by inwink on behalf of Client

The Parties acknowledge that, in the context of the provision of the Services, Client is acting as a Data Controller and that inwink is acting as a Data Processor. In this context, inwink, on behalf of and following Client’s instructions, undertakes to provide the Services in compliance with the provisions of the Agreement, the French Law No. 78-17 dated 6 January 1978 (hereinafter, the “French Data Protection Act”) and the GDPR (together the “Applicable Data Protection Regulations”).

inwink acknowledges and agrees that for the provision of the Services, inwink will have access to Client’s documents and files which contain Personal Data and will implement a Processing whose specificities are described in Appendix 2 to the General Terms and Conditions. inwink, as a Data Processor, undertakes:

– to process Personal Data for the sole purpose of providing the Services and in accordance with Client’s written instructions, unless required by Applicable Data Protection Regulations (in which case inwink must first inform the Client);

– that the personnel authorized to access and process Client’s Personal Data are bound to preserve their confidential nature;

– to take all appropriate security measures required by Applicable Data Protection Regulations to ensure that Personal Data is not distorted, damaged, destroyed, lost or communicated to unauthorized third parties in an accidental or unlawful manner;

– to inform Client of any Personal Data Breach as soon as possible after becoming aware of it and help Client to fulfil its obligation to inform the competent authorities and the Data Subjects in the context of such Personal Data Breach;

– to keep a detailed list of all sub-processors that will be involved for the provision of Services and inform Client of any intended changes concerning the addition or replacement of sub-processors before such changes being effected, it being specified that Client may oppose such changes. In any case, subprocessing by inwink may only occur if Client has not objected to it within one (1) month following the notification of the change by inwink. The authorized sub-processors at the date of execution of the Agreement are the following: Microsoft Corporation for hosting services.

– assist Client, as far as possible, in fulfilling its obligation to respond to requests from Data Subjects to exercise their rights;

– at Client’s option, delete all Personal Data or return them to Client at its request or at the latest at the end of the Agreement, and destroy all existing copies, unless otherwise provided by law;

– allow the performance of audits relating to the processing of Personal Data by Client or another auditor appointed by Client and participate in them;

– in the light of the information at its disposal, collaborate with Client by (i) providing Client with all the information necessary to carry out any data protection impact assessment in accordance with Article 35 of the GDPR; (ii) informing Client whenever it believes that Client’s instructions would infringe Applicable Data Protection Regulations and (iii) providing Client with the necessary information in case Client is required to demonstrate compliance with the Applicable Data Protection Regulations.

inwink guarantees the physical destruction of the Customer’s Content data within a maximum of 3 months from the end date of the licence contracted by the Customer.

Client authorizes inwink and/or any sub processor authorized by Client to transfer Personal Data outside the European Union (EU). In this context, inwink undertakes to inform Client and to take all appropriate measures to ensure the protection of Client’s Personal Data in accordance with the applicable regulations, including by signing binding agreements incorporating the standard contractual clauses of the European Commission.

14.2 Data Processing implemented by inwink

In the context of the performance of this Agreement, inwink collects and processes Personal Data concerning Client or Client’s employees in order to enable it to manage the contractual relationship. In this context, inwink is implementing data processing, in compliance with the Applicable Data Protection Regulations, whose purposes are the management of customers (including contract management, orders, delivery, invoices, accounting, contractual relationship monitoring, satisfaction surveys, complaints management, after-sales service), the conduct of business development operations and more generally the management of operations enabling it to communicate with Client.

The processing carried out in this context is based on inwink’s legitimate interest for some of the purposes, necessary for the performance of the Agreement for others, and, in some cases, on inwink’s compliance with its legal obligations. The Personal Data collected and processed in this context as well as the entire file associated with Client will be kept for the duration of the contractual relationship and for the applicable limitation period. In accordance with the Applicable Data Protection Regulations, Client and/or Client’s employees have the right to access, rectify, delete their Personal Data, limit the processing and oppose the processing of their personal data. Client and/or Client’s employees also have the right to send inwink special instructions regarding the fate of their Personal Data after their death. To exercise these rights, Client may send a request by email to or by post to inwink, 33 rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine – 75011 Paris. Finally, Client and/or Client’s employees may lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority. The data collected and processed in this context may be communicated to third party service providers, acting as sub processors within the meaning of the Applicable Regulations, for the purpose of performing, in particular, hosting, storage, analysis, and database management or computer maintenance services. These service providers act only on instructions from inwink and will only have access to the Personal Data of Client’s employees to perform these services and will be bound by the same security and confidentiality obligations as inwink. Data collected and processed in this context may be transferred outside the EU. When data is transferred outside the EU, inwink shall implement all appropriate safeguards to ensure the protection of Client’s employees’ data in accordance with the Applicable Data Protection Regulations, including the signature of binding agreements incorporating the European Commission’s standard contractual clauses using the following model:

  1. Insurance

Parties undertake to take out an insurance policy with a reputable insurance company of their choice and, in general, any insurance policy covering “damage” and “liability” in order to insure all risks under the Agreement. Each Party shall provide a copy of the insurance certificates for the insurance policies taken out at the other Party’s request.

  1. Survival

In the event of termination or expiry of the Agreement for any reason whatsoever, Articles 8, 9, 13, 14 and 23 of the General Terms and Conditions shall continue to be valid and remain in full force and effect.

  1. Independence of the Parties

The relationship between the Parties is a service provider-client relationship. Therefore, Parties acknowledge that the Agreement shall not create any superior-subordinate relationship, agency, association or joint venture between them. In addition, each Party acts in its own name and on its own behalf. Neither of the Parties shall have authority to make commitments for the other Party in any way whatsoever.

  1. inwink’s Personnel

The work is performed by the personnel of inwink, which shall decide the working team’s composition and tasks’ organisation and shall oversee, manage and supervise its employees. Regardless of the term of the Agreement, said employees shall consequently remain in any event under inwink’s line management, which must be able to demonstrate that each employee is bound thereto by an employment contract in accordance with applicable laws. In order to ensure exchanges of information and technical instructions required to carry out the work, Client and inwink shall respectively appoint a project manager. inwink undertakes to promptly replace any defaulting contractor. In the event of absence of one of inwink’s employees, the latter must be in a position as far as possible to continue to provide the Services. inwink undertakes to comply and ensure compliance by its personnel with all standards and procedures in force at the Client’s premises, including in particular safety and IT standards which shall be notified thereto, and the provisions of the company’s Internal Rules in force at the place of performance of the services. At any time during the performance of the Services, Client shall remain the legal custodian of all of its equipment and installations, including those provided to inwink’s employees. Client shall bear all costs relating to the insurance of all risks and direct and indirect damages that may affect all said equipment and installations.

  1. Severability

Should any clause of this Agreement be found to be invalid or unenforceable by a competent court or by law, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and remain in full force and effect and the Parties agree to replace the inapplicable provisions.

  1. Assignment of the Agreement

Neither of the Parties shall be entitled to assign all or part of the Agreement to third parties, even in part, without the other Party’s prior written consent which may not be unreasonably withheld. As an exception to the foregoing principle, Client hereby accepts that inwink may assign or transfer all or part of the rights and obligations under the Agreement to any entity in its group. Such assignment shall come into force on the date on which inwink notifies the Client thereof by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt (the date of the first attempted delivery shall prevail). In the event of an assignment or transfer, inwink shall not be bound by any joint and several liability pursuant to the assigned Agreement.

  1. No Waiver

Should one of the Parties fail to exercise any rights granted thereto by the Agreement, this shall not be construed as a waiver of such rights in the future.

  1. Amendment of the Agreement

The Agreement may only be amended pursuant to an amendment signed by the duly authorised representatives of the Parties.

  1. Governing Law – Disputes

This Agreement is governed by French law. Parties shall attempt to solve any disputes arising from the interpretation, performance and/or termination of this Agreement amicably, out of court. If not possible to reach agreement out of court, Paris Commercial Court shall have jurisdiction to hear any dispute arising between the Parties, notwithstanding plurality of defendants or warranty claim.